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The ancient Egyptian empire

The state of modern Egypt history of ancient Egyptian, which referred to the Empire Egyptian - between the sixth century BC and the eleventh century BC .. and covers the Eighteenth Dynasty and the Nineteenth Dynasty and family twenty dynasties ancient Egyptian .. The Ramses II is one of the most famous kings of this State!! 

The last king of the family is the seventeenth Ahmose I, is also the first kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty and the most famous of all Egyptian families and Ahmose considered the founder of a new era is the era of the modern state 
The foundations of the Nineteenth Dynasty minister, Ramses I, who was selected by King Horemheb as his successor on the throne. Known that the family of military victories in the Levant and left a great heritage in architecture and in literature and in the battles of war. Twenty-six of the family founded Nachti But the most important kings of Ramses III, who was following the example of Ramsis II in his reign. 
The maximum extent of Ancient Egypt was in the era of Thutmose III, reaching the borders of Egypt to the Euphrates and to Libya and south to the Fourth Cataract, or the Fourth Cataract in the south and we can say that the power of ancient Egypt as a state and reached its peak during the reign of Ramses II, from the Nineteenth Dynasty. And sought to recover territories in the Levant, which was governed by Egypt in the reign of the Eighteenth Dynasty and reached campaigns recovery in the reign of Ramses II, culminating in the Battle of Kadesh 

Ahmose I went back to his country in 1571 BC. M after the expulsion of the Hyksos and spent the revolutions of the Nubians to the south and great interest in establishing Army worker organizer and Slha all weapons known at that time and gave him the wheel of war, are wars of Ramses II last effort made by the kings of the modern state to maintain the unit has completed it opposes with the king of the Hittites signed a treaty non-aggression between the two sides after the Battle of Kadesh, and this treaty is the first peace treaty in history, Egypt has become a major force, and thus became a great empire sprawling. 
The Kings during the celebrations of the victory Ainson soldiers and officers from showing them the courage and bravery are given medals and decorations, titles, rewards and donations of more than dedication to the protection of Egypt 

Tiba (Luxor) center of civilization - the capital of the modern state 
Egypt has enjoyed in the era of the empire's wealth and prosperity and the glory of an unprecedented and has become a capital good a center of human civilization and the capital of the world. And looked good in the reign of King Tuthmosis III at its best, and decorated with temples and structures, obelisks and statues. He gave King Horemheb issuing various laws that govern the relationship between the individual and the ruling authority 
Kings of Egypt in the modern state 
Ahmose the First: the expulsion of the Hyksos and the Nubians is considered the founder of the modern state in Egypt 
Tuthmosis I: one of the greatest pharaohs of the Eighteenth Dynasty 
Hatshepsut: The construction of the temple in Deir el-Bahari in Luxor 
Tuthmosis III: Syria to join Egypt and the fact that the first Egyptian empire in history 
Akhenaten: The first called for the unification of the gods in one God is the furnace because of preoccupation with matters of religion, Akhenaten neglected the affairs of the country's uncle corruption 
Horemheb: spent on the religious revolution that took place under Akhenaten, and fix the mess the era of Akhenaten 
Ramses II: - The most famous kings of the Nineteenth Dynasty re-configure the Kingdom of Egypt and fought a long war against the king of the Hittites at the battle of Kadesh, none of them could not be terminated in favor of the battle, prompting them to reconciliation and a peace treaty was probably the first in recorded history. 

Central State in the reigns of the modern state in Egypt and the Egyptians to open part of the Sudan was called by the Kush. And become the ancient Egyptian language is the official language. Especially after the expulsion of "Ahmose founder of the family, 18 Hyksos from Egypt. Moved to the country's shift towards Sudan. Have been subjected fully to the Sudan in an era of" Thutmose III "when it was occupied until the fourth cataract. And continued occupation for six centuries. Converted to Sudanese in which Egyptian religion and worship the gods and Tthagafoa their own culture Even Sudan has become an integral part of Egypt. The kings of the modern state appointed Vice them to manage the Sudan, to Egypt's benefit from its resources and wealth such as gold, ebony and ivory, perfumes, incense, ostrich feathers and leopard skins and, giraffes, dogs, fishing, and livestock. But after the interruption of the link between them faded out of Sudanese in Egypt especially during the Kingdom of Kush Nubian emerged as the language Cushitic. The language of understanding between the Kushite before the advent of writing irrigated proportion of the city of Meroe, which is boiling the eastern bank of the Nile north of the village Begrawiya current. It was the capital of the Sudan between the sixth century BC. m. and the fourth century AD. and other civilizations Egypt has affected the people of Sudan. when trade flourished gum, ivory, incense, gold, between the Arabian Peninsula and between the ports of Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. The Sudan's relations with Libya and Ethiopia since ancient times. and to the effects of Sudan was the kingdom of Meroe in connection with civilization in Indian antiquity. and Egypt occupied the parts of the Sudan during the reign of the Egyptian State Central has occupied the most part until the Waterfall V, especially in the era of the modern state, and make use of Egyptian wealth and spread culture and religion, and influenced the civilizations of Egypt in the people of Sudan when it became the home territories of the regions of Egypt. The Greeks called the country south of Egypt "Ethiopia," said Homer by the gods meet in Sudan in the annual festivals. 
The Department of the Sudan was the kings of the modern state lawmakers are appointed for them to manage the country of Sudan. The Sudanese play a key role in the economic life of Egypt in the modern state, Egypt benefited from its resources and its wealth of gold, ebony and ivory, perfumes, incense, ostrich feathers and skins, leopards, giraffes, dogs, fishing, and livestock 

The end of the modern state 
Taking center king of Egypt, in a weak and numerous raids Libyans and peoples of the Mediterranean to Egypt and was one of the most of those raids risk what happened in the reign of King Ramses III, but the Egyptian army to repel the invasions reportedly owners Midhuren, has concluded the state of modern days when the vanished authority of the king of Egypt completely. The increased influence of the priests of Amun even took the high priest on the throne 

Kings of the modern state 
Eighteenth Dynasty 1550-1307 BC. M. Ahmose (accommodation of Neb-Re) 1550-1525 
Amenhotep I (bridge Ka Ra) 1525-1504 
Tuthmosis I (A news Ka Ra) 1504-1492 
Tuthmosis II (A news that Ra) 1492-1479 
Tuthmosis III (the news of Ra) 1479-1425 
Hatshepsut (Maat Ka Ra) (overlapping with the reign of Tuthmosis III) 1473-1458 
Amenhotep II (A kheprew Ra) 1427-1401 
Tuthmosis IV (from kheprew Ra) 1401-1391 
Amenhotep III (Neb Maat Ra) 1391-1353 
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) (Navarro kheprew Ra - Ra that p) 1353-1335 
The co Ka Ra (kheprew Ankh Ra) (a partner in the governance of Akhenaten) 1335-1333 
Tutankhamun 1333-1323 
Kپr Kپro Ra IE (kheprew Ra) 1323-1319 
Horemheb (bridge kheprew Ra) 1319-1307 
Nineteenth Dynasty 1307 - 1196 BC. M. (Ramesses), Ramses I (from the accommodation of Ra) 1307-1306 
Seti I (of Maat Ra) 1306-1290 
Ramses II (USSR Maat Ra - step that Ra) 1290-1224 
Ptah, a flexible (that Rahotep Air Maat) 1224-1214 
City II (USSR kheprew step that Ra Ra) 1214-1204 
Amon Miss (usurper to the throne during the City II) 
C Petah 1204-1198 
Queen Jintao Sirte 1198-1196 

 Twenty-family (Ramesses) from 1196 to 1070 BC. M. Six Nakht 1196-1194 
Ramses III (USSR Maat Ra - mry Amun) 1194-1163 
Ramses IV 1163-1156 
Ramesses V 1156-1151 
Ramses VI 1151-1143 
Ramesses VII 1143-1136 
Ramesses VIII 1136-1131 
Ramesses IX 1131-1112 
Ramses X 1112-1100 
Ramesses the Eleventh 1110-1070  

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